The Art of Hosting an Amazing Virtual Quiz night

Beat the lock-down blues

For months in Melbourne and Victoria, everyone has been stuck at home with the lock-down. 

With this situation, our normal weekends have completely changed.

No hanging out at pubs, no partying the night away, no brunch events, just to mention a few activities taking a holiday.

However, this does not mean the fun has to stop!

If you are missing your normal crowd and friends?

Virtual quiz nights are a fun go-to activity during these times when the new normal thanks to COVID19 is to stay indoors.

Quiz nights are on the rise because they keep people entertained even while they’re stuck at home by:

  • Providing much-needed company during lock-down where everyone is missing friends and still looking to connect.
  • Giving you the best opportunity to showcase your knowledge in trivia, popular culture and local fun facts.
  • Allowing you to learn new things in the process
  • Letting you experience some friendly, healthy competition amidst laughs
  • Getting the bragging rights of being the Quiz Champion of your crowd

There are many quizzes for different people or communities, for example primary or secondary kids, teenagers, school parents, clubs, business people, among others.

 While they sound so easy to host, they’re not.

Virtual quiz nights are not as straightforward as they sound and organizing one requires some hard work.


How to Make Quiz Nights Super Easy

Roll In an Awesome Quiz Master


The first thing needed for a successful and fun quiz night is a Quiz Master. They are literally the face of a great quiz night.

  • The Quiz Master welcomes the participants, make necessary announcements and give instructions throughout the entire quiz.
  •  They ensure there is continuity during the quiz, decide when to proceed to the next round of questions and announce the scores and winners.
  •  All that said, how about skipping all the hard work of organising a quiz and join a night that’s already set up for you?

3Princes provide a full service Quiz event and provide a Quiz Master who’ll host the entire quiz night.

Our Quiz Master guides everyone throughout the event for a great entertainment, ensuring no one is left out.


Slick Entertainment using Cool Quiz platform

Your crowd is definitely used to being entertained with super high quality videos, watching Netflix, STAN, YouTube and more.

  • Someone reading boring questions from a crinkled piece of paper on a crackly conference call probably isn’t going to cut it.
  • Awesome quizzes use the latest online platforms providing guided questions with great graphics, videos and smooth transitions between questions to keep everyone’s interest up.
  • For you to host any quiz night, you need a platform that will allow you and your students, friends, family members, or colleagues to see each other, share screens and to hear what everyone’s saying effectively.

Thankfully, there’s so much technology and innovation today and because of that, there are different platforms to choose from, for example, live-streaming, video conference systems and online quiz platforms that are really easy to use.

  • With all these, your choice will be dependent on the number of participants and the amount of time your quiz night will take.
  • If you’re after something more professional then you could live-stream on Facebook Live, Twitch or YouTube Live which don’t have time and limitations on the number of participants.

3Princes make all these challenges super easy. Our team do all the work to get you rolling with your Quiz.


Great questions to keep you guessing

Put together some awesome questions for the night.

This is perhaps the toughest part of being a Quiz Master but you know what, you don’t have to overthink it.

Take this chance to explore your creativity but remember, easy questions are the best. It’s worth picking a theme, some hilarious questions and making sure that each question only has one answer.
Believe it or not, this is easier said than done.

The 3Princes Quiz team take this load off you.
We pick the best questions for our quiz nights, often about thirty to forty. To add some dynamic to the game, we choose these questions from five to eight interesting themes.
We go the extra mile to make all our quizzes fun by updating participants on how they’re fairing in between the quiz, and encouraging them to do even better.


Easy to play the Quiz

While it might be simple or obvious to you, not every participant knows how to join in or share their screen.

  • It’s therefore worth taking them through the process and answering any questions they have beforehand so that there are no hitches during the game.
  •  Tell them what to click once on air, what the game’s about, and always repeat if necessary until everyone’s on the same page.

Also, explain that the quiz comes with a digital answer sheet that makes it super easy to complete the quiz

3Princes does this and likes to keep everyone taking the quiz entertained so we figured adding a round of entertaining videos and pictures does the trick.

As far as our quiz scores are concerned, we have an automatic online quiz score sheet that calculates how many points you’ve scored so that you get the most accurate results.

We always celebrate all of our winners and encourage the runners up and everyone else to try harder next time.

Cute right? 

Keep your event flowing


You may all be taking the quiz at home but incorporating some of the things that make normal pub quizzes fun is important.

Consider including some chat breaks and drinks in between the game.
3Princes includes a drink break for participants to sip on something that’ll keep them excited to continue playing.


Connecting Communities and having fun 

We’re all about “connecting communities and having fun”.

We also believe that lock-down does not mean the fun’s over so we’ve come up with a bunch of lock-down live stream quizzes that’ll make your weekends awesome.
We make gathering your friends together super easy, and

Who do you think will be the quiz champion in your crowd?

 We’ve been doing great outdoor cinema events for years, so 3Princes is used to going  the extra mile .

We provide the best virtual quiz events that’ll always make you look forward to coming back for more fun.


Entertain your crowd with a Quiz

Whether you’re a school, a sports club, a business, or any other community, these quizzes will keep you entertained.

 The best part is you’ll exit the quiz event with a couple of new friends.

 You could also possibly leave with bragging rights of being the

Quiz Champion of your crowd


For our quiz packages here

For enquiries here

 Give it a shot now Trivia Quiz